Monday, May 10, 2010

FRE to drink

So on Friday, Nate and I had a bunch of people over to celebrate his birthday with a BBQ. Normally, I would have popped open a nice bottle of wine with some of my girl friends to celebrate with while the boys drank their beer. But this year, I was chugging down water like a good pregnant girl until it happened...Our friends Bill and Tracie brought a bottle of alcohol removed wine...maybe the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me...okay...maybe not ever, but at that moment it was totally the best.
The brand is Fre and it's delicious. Their alcohol removed wine comes in 7 flavors ranging from white and red to champagne. Plus, it's made with real wine (hence the alcohol removed) so it has a wine, not just grape juice, flavor. And though it doesn't taste exactly like wine, it's close enough, especially when you see how many calories you save with this tasty drink.
Normal wine: about 25 calories per 1 oz (150 calories per 6 oz pour)
Fre Alcohol Removed wine: about 9 calories per 1 oz (54 calories per 6 oz pour)
With that information in mind, this is also a fantastic drink for those who want to trim down their "drinking calories" to practically nothing!

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