Sunday, March 28, 2010

Morning Sickness almost-cures

I feel like I have tried everything under the sun to "cure" my morning sickness. Here's a little review of what I've tried and how it has worked (or not worked) for me.

Walking (CURE!) Walking has been a staple in my life for the last few weeks. When I'm walking (at a nice, quick clip), I feel amazing. It's really like magic. I recommend it!

Peppermint tea (ANTI-CURE!) Though many people swear by this, it makes me feel more sick.

Ginger tea (SEMI-CURE) I could go either way. It takes away a bit of the nausea, but not for long and only if you can stomach the smell/taste of ginger.

Ginger Chews (CURE!) I'm loving Ginger People Ginger Chews (original flavor). They are sweet and chewy and a bit spicy and I really think that they work!

Ginger Bits (ANTI-CURE!) These are actual pieces of ginger rolled in sugar. I'm not sure how many people were made to take a big ol' bite out of actual ginger, but I'm not one of them. Perhaps they really work, but I couldn't even swallow when I tried them.

Saltines (CURE!) Good for stomach flu too!

Eating a little bit every 2 hours (CURE!) I swear that every pregnant girl I've talked to has said the same thing...if I let myself go too long without food, I would pay for it in horrible nausea and/or vomiting. So eat like a bird...all the time and in small amounts.

Ginger Extract Capsules (SEMI-CURE) These little suckers actually help with the nausea, but they are pure ginger extract and they caused some serious reflux and heart burn for be forewarned.

Mommy's Bliss Morning Sickness Magic (CURE!)Better than the ginger extract because they are just ginger, they also contain B6, Folic Acid and Raspberry Leaf Extract. I found mine at Whole Foods.

Zofran (CURE!) If you're Dr. is okay with prescribing this during pregnancy and you feel comfy taking drugs, this is the drug for you. It is like magic.

Sea Bands (SEMI CURE!) These little blue wristbands are available at drug stores. They work with pressure points on your wrists that somewhat help nausea (and are typically used for car/air/sea sickness). Check them out...

Please note that you should talk to your Dr. about any of these "treatments" to make sure that they are right for you. I call my OBGYN like every day with questions, so don't hesitate. They work for you right now!

Also, just because I gave something a "CURE!" rating, doesn't mean you will feel just means that they were really able to take the edge off so I didn't want to curl up in a little ball and die. AND, know that every one's pregnancy is different, what works for me, may not work for you.

Share your morning sickness cure by posting comments!

1 comment:

  1. Zofran! I'm 34.5 weeks through my 3rd pregnancy, and Zofran is THE only thing that helped. I didn't take it with my first daughter, and tried everything else under the sun. One of my worst "morning" sickness experiences came from trying ginger- mostly because it occurred in a public place! The other thing that helped me was the eating every two hours. I learned to choose foods that weren't too bad to see again, with vanilla yogurt being my staple. Another vanilla yogurt every two hours helped me only be nauseous/puking about half the day!
