Monday, March 29, 2010

The benefits of exercise durning pregnancy

Gone are the days where pregnant women were told to go home and put their feet up for the next 9ish months. Studies now show that exercising while pregnant lead to a long list of benefits to both mom and the baby.

So talk to your Dr. to get the go ahead and then get your growing body moving for at least 30 minutes a day and reap these valuable benefits.

*reduced fat retention

*shorter and less complicated labor (whoo-hoo!)

*higher energy levels during and after pregnancy

*quicker postpartum recovery

*faster return to pre-pregnancy weight

And those are just a few...but they should be enough to get you going. I mean, who doesn't want shorter and less complicated labor? Um...ME ME ME!!

1 comment:

  1. I exercised the entire way through my first & second pregnancies, but I'm not sure it would be helpful for me to state how long I was in labor . . .

    I would say, though, that I resumed exercising again 6 weeks after delivery and got back in shape pretty quickly (although for me personally, I don't lose all the baby weight until I stop nursing. But my pre-pregnancy clothes fit again in about 8 weeks, which was more important to me than the # on the scale.)

    This third time, I was put on exercise restriction because of prolonged concern over placenta previa, and am now on bedrest for preterm labor, so we'll see how it goes!
